Commercial Union House - MGL Group
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Commercial Union House

Pilgrim’s Quarter
Newcastle City Centre

Commercial Union House is the latest building to be demolished by MGL Demolition to enable the Pilgrim’s Quarter development. The team are clearing the way for HMRC’s new office complex which will see more than 9,000 government workers move into the city centre.

The demolition of the 1970s office block with six-storey overhang, was a highly complex project in a busy city centre environment. We built up strong communication links and our skilled team worked closely with all stakeholders to quickly, safely and effectively demolish the eight-storey building.

A great detail of planning was required to coordinate road closures, traffic management and restrictions. To minimise potential for disruption to the public we carried out our work in phases and we undertook out various aspects of the work overnight.

Scope of works

  • Soft strip working bottom up.
  • Segregating waste and recycling to reduce the amount of waste being sent to landfill
  • Licenced & non-licenced asbestos removal to all floors.
  • Floor by floor separation from the Carliol House Façade using top down methodology, temporary propping system and brokk demolition.
  • Scaffold erection to protect the public from dust and debris.
  • Remote demolition using high reach 90 tonne excavator.
  • Processing concrete using two 50 tonne excavators prior to crushing material to 6F2 for the new building.  

To bring the vision for the new offices to fruition Bamburgh House will also be demolished and while the 1920s façade of Carliol House will remain, the rest is set to be demolished. We’re proud to pave the way for this exciting new development, Pilgrim’s Quarter will deliver an inclusive, flexible and collaborative working environment. 

Watch a full project overview of the Pilgrim’s Quarter here.